Mock the Watchdown: S14E12, or It Was Quite Proctological

The first of two compilations that wrap up the very strong Series 14. All episodes should be in play.

Dara’s intro was filmed at the taping for E9, the piggate taping.

Dara alludes to a ‘sensational song-and-dance ending, with Jeremy Corbyn, Sepp Blatter and a pig’s head onboard a Megabus’

Picture of the Week: E8

Dara’s setting up the round, but he rolls through the intro too quickly for the graphic to be onscreen.
Dara: “you wanna do that again…yeah, do that again and-”
Andy: “it’s been a cracking start to the show, hasn’t it?”


Yeah, figured they’d pick this one. As aired

Police Measures, E8

Here’s why I’ll miss Andy. The way he says just what the story is is very funny. “They have been saving money by only investigating burglaries at even-numbered houses…and they’ve TOLD EVERYBODY ABOUT IT.”

Hugh: “I think it’s not only houses, it’s shops as well, you can rob any 7-11 you’d like now..”

Andy also brings up that the Leicestershire police only investigate even numbered houses if there’s blood on the scene.
Andy: “presumably your only option is to cut yourself or confess.”
Sara, being herself: “or quickly menstruate.”
Andy: “I’ve said enough..”
Dara: “QUICKLY. MENSTRUATE. [claps twice]”
That’s what brings it over the edge
Gamble: “that is the worst superpower ever..”

E7, the monitor instruction manual/Obama on Running Wild

After the as-aired monitor bit, we go into the story of Obama doing an episode of, I presume, Running Wild with Bear Grylls
Josh, perfectly: “does he realize that he’s still president? Cause he’s just pissin’ around now…”

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Gamble: “what technique are they demonstrating here, a selfie without a stick?”
Josh: ‘and you think of all the places you could find a stick, you’d think they could make one..”
Dara: “they fashioned a stick for selfies out of local shrubbery…”

And here we have the moment where Dara’s monitor stopped working, also as aired


Again, it’d be silly if it didn’t make it in

If This is The Answer: 1/3, from E4

After the ‘what proportion of that team have I seen naked’ one that Rob reveals he’s the answer to, Rob talks about rooming with Romesh. “I used to get bored and get in your bed.”

Romesh: “I didn’t live with Rob permanently, this was an Edinburgh situation, I don’t want people to think that I cohabitated with Rob on a permanent basis…”

Romesh talks about Rob getting naked and ‘windmilling’
Rob: “It was more like the propeller on a plane…”
Romesh, doing a Rob impression: “WINDY MILLER’S HERE AGAIN, WINDY MILLER.”
PFFFF. Rob’s ashamed by this

Romesh explains that Rob went so far as to show up to one of Romesh’s gigs, and as he was finishing the set, “I turned around, Rob’s waiting in the wings windmilling his ass up again. ‘SURPRIIISE, WINDY MILLER’S BACK.”

I also like Miles’ confusion about the point of windmilling. “It serves no practical purpose, it’s not driving our economy in any way…”
Dara: “at no point will Rob make bread..”

Newsreel, from E9: David Cameron

Hugh, as Angela Merkel, as this is E9: “vell, erm, lovely to see you, David. Oink oink.”

Hugh, as Cameron: “anyway, loving the jacket, have you come as one of the minions?”
It looks like..
Hugh, as Merkel: “Yellow is the color of Nick Clegg, I thought you might miss him. Also, it’s the color of mustard, which goes well on PORK…”

Hugh, as Merkel: “there are many things Germany would like to teach Britain. How to make a decent car. How to FALSIFY emissions records…”

Hugh, on a random close-up of Cameron: “I can’t help daydreaming, I wonder how Porky is now..”

Pretty good Newsreel, though it doesn’t really go anywhere too subversive

Internet Acronyms for Parents, from E7

Dara just slips in “it’s a guide for parents, and presumably also for pedophiles,”

Dara has fun with MOS, Mother Over Shoulder, and the visual of someone throwing their mother over their shoulder
Andy: “MOOS, means Member of the other sex, or presumably, Mother Over Other Shoulder.”
Dara: ‘bloody hell, coming down with the mothers over the shoulders, jaysus christ…whose mother ARE you two, anyway?”

I like that Gamble brings up that this is gonna make parents more paranoid that everything’s an acronym.
Andy: “They’ll read like a text, and at the end of it it’ll just say ‘bye’, and they’ll go WHAT’S THIS MEAN? THIS AT THE END THERE, B.Y.E.? BRING YOUR ERECTION? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?”
Josh loves the acronym Andy went with here
Gamble: “that CLASSIC booty call of ‘bring your erection’..”

E10’s Picture of the Week

I’m glad they used this one, there’s so much silliness here. Ellie accidentally doing a Josh impression. Andy cracking up over Corbyn playing Baker Street on the marrow.

More Pincer Dancing, E3

As aired

BBC Mumbling, from E8

A very ironic opening, where Dara mumbles through the question, has to do it again, Sara has him repeat himself, then gets that it’s about BBC cracking down on mumbling.
Sara: “It was very clever how you gave us a clue..”
Dara, to that point: “INNnnnuh OTHERrh NEWSah…HOOUGHH…”
PFFFF. Even that feels unnatural to him

Dara: “not this show, this show’s never been accused of it, despite me hosting it..”
Gamble: “yeah, cause what you don’t know is that at home they can press the red button and Stephen Fry translates it for them..”
HAAAH. Oh man what a visual
Dara, with an advantage: “Stephen doing it, ‘WELL WHAT I *THINK* DARA IS TRYING TO SAY…”

Sara points to a drama called Jamaica Inn that had lots of complaints of mumbling, as well as Poldark
Nathan: “I actually watched Jamaica Inn, cause I thought it was gonna be something that it wasn’t. Like ‘JAMAICA’S CHANGED..”
Hugh: “it’s supposed to be very good, Poldark, but it is actually an anagram of ‘Old Krap.'”

Gamble: “I remember having similar problems to Pingu, and they never changed that.”
Sara, cracking: ‘d’you still watch it to check?”

Ed: “I think that even Jeremy Corbyn has appointed a minister of mumbling [smirk] cause he feels it’s important that their voices be heard.”
He can just throw that in when nobody’s expecting it

Copa America, E4

It’s a story of a point where “the guy who was marking him fingered him in the backside”, and collapsed
Miles: “he fingered him and then went down?”

I like the back and forth between Rob, trying to use more direct terms [“he put his finger in his bumhole”] and Dara, with a lot more discretion [“It was quite proctological.”]
Tiff: “I like how you’re making it scientific, but we’re just trying to say ‘bumhole fingering’.”

Miles: “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say ‘bumhole’ as frequently as Rob. You’ve finally got a catchphrase, something that people can shout at you in the streets!”
Miles only had one show this series, but he still packed a lot of smart, punchy work into it

Dara: “…I almost regret bringing that story up now…”

Dara, moving on: “what became legal across all the United States this week?”
Rob, immediately: “BUMHOLE FINGERING.”


-E5, Josh: “it’s very difficult to lie and say you’re taller than you are, when you’re the only member of the team who’s on a booster seat” [stands and presents cushion]

E10, pickups, Dara explaining what they need to do, and foreshadowing what happens after S16: “FOOK ME, EVERYONE’S GONE.”
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Hugh: “have I become invisible?”
Dara: “no, you’re still here, Hugh, you’re ALWAYS here.”

-E10 SWLTS, Sports Commentator, a Rob joke about Hulk Hogan going up against the Harlem Globetrotters died. Rob shrugs, and goes “RACIST, IN’NE?”
Rob: “…I CAN’T DO IT ALL.”
I do like Rob, and I do like how he responds to an audience, as there was a lot of that in S14

-E4, SWLTS intro where Miles, Romesh and Tiff are still there as Dara rounds the end of it. “We’re DEFINITELY doing that again. That was the SHITTIEST ‘six people getting out of chairs’…we’ve had in ten years of this show

-E10 Pickups, Dara explains to Hugh “we’ve chosen you to answer this question because of many of your unique skills, uh, including your attendance.”

Dara: “why did one of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet appointments upset farmers?”
Hugh: [does a ‘who, me?’ double take]
This is why I love Hugh on this show

-E5 SWLTS, Dara announces the topic, Hugh gets up, stammers a syllable, is distracted by people already laughing, double-takes, then walks backwards back to the step. It’s that simple.

-E7 ITITA, 63 Years
Milton: “How long can I keep this up” [CLAPS LIKE A CYMBAL MONKEY TOY REPEATEDLY]
Dara keeps him going. Milton, after a good 20 seconds, pleads for the buzzer

-E10 pickups, Dara: “we also need an answer for this one, will probably come from Hugh AGAIN..”
I kinda love when they do this and pretend everything’s normal

-E8, Dara announces the winners at the end of a round, and Ed and Hugh are CONVINCED he called Nathan ‘Milton’.
Nathan, perfectly: “me and Milton, we get confused all the time..”

-E10 pickups, Dara asks the question about Tim Peake
Hugh, Rob impression: “‘E’S GONNA UNCLOG DE SHITTAH.”
Dara: “NO. HE’S NOT.”

-E8, Dara playing drunk while drinking an undisclosed beverage. “try translatin’ THIS, Stephen fookin’ Fry..”

Scenes We’d Like to See:

-E4, Things You Wouldn’t Hear on a Science Documentary
Pared down, yes, but they kept the Dara slam-o-rama

-E7, Lines you wouldn’t read in a Romantic Novel
As aired

-E3, Andy bringing back the Zorba the Greek gag to end the show
Damn right

Takeaways: Yeah, honestly, a lot of the best material of this series made the final edit. There’s not a ton here that I was begging to see, mostly just some ‘fly on the wall’ bits like Dara and Hugh at pickups, Romesh and Rob’s stories, and ‘quickly, menstruate’. Other than that, not much going on here, sad to say.

Coming Up Next: S14’s Christmas compilation, and the last new Mock stuff for Andy Parsons

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